Legal basis of our activity

Organizationally and legally Technology park "Yavoriv” (Lviv region) is a group of entities that operate in accordance with the Joint Activities Treaty without forming a legal entity and no union of contributions in order to create organizational principles of participant’s  activities in innovative projects implementation (introduction of science intensive developments, high technologies, small business development and industrial production of competitive products for the global market ). 
Legislative and legal basis of the Technology park "Yavoriv” (Lviv region) consist of:
  1. Law of Ukraine "About special regime of technology parks innovation activity”  № 991-XIV від 16.07.1999.
  2. Law of Ukraine "About priority directions of innovation activity in Ukraine " № 433-IV від 16.01.2003.
  3. Law of Ukraine " About innovation activity " № 40-IV від 04.07.2002.
  4. Resolution of the Ukraine’s Government "Some aspects of the technology parks organization " № 1657 від 29.11.2006.
  5. Resolution of the Ukraine’s Government "About the Posture approvement of the Commission on technological parks and other innovation structures creation" № 1219 від 06.08.2003.
Organizations and companies that are the members of Technology Park "Yavoriv" (Lviv region),retain all their rights as legal entities and operate in accordance with their Charters, Joint Activities Treaty and current legislation of Ukraine.
The list of participants in the process of the Technopark development may change. The application to access this list can give any organization and its request will be considered. The decision to change the composition of Technopark takes its Scientific and Technical Council . Foreign legal entities, international organizations may participate in Technoparktogether with legal entities of Ukraine.

79000, Ukraine, Lviv, Mateika str. 4
tel./fax: +38 (032) 261-07-30