Priority directions of Technology park "Yavoriv” (Lviv region) activity are:

1.    Improvement of chemical technologies, new materials, biotechnology development:

  • Modern catalysis, development and use of new catalysts and new catalytic processes;
  • The development of genetic engineering technology, genetically modified crops and organisms;
  • Immunobiological products and biocompatible materials;
  • Modern construction materials and their manufacture and use  technologies;
  • Ceramic materials of wide application spectrum, superfirm tool materials;
  • Materials and substances for low-tonnage chemical production, organic pigments and luminophores;
  • Semiconduct materials based on ultrapure silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide and complex compounds; scintillation materials, optical and structural monocrystals.

2.    Engineering and home appliances production using domestic technologies organization:
  • Production of modern space and aviation equipment, ships and new generation electric vehicles; system facilities of technological design, manufacturing and logistic support of a new technologies creation processes;
  • Dispatching systems, location systems in different surroundings, dual-use optoelectronic system;
  • Equipment and materials for welding and implementation of related processes, durable welded constructions; equipment, materials and high technologies for anticorrosion protection;
  • Equipment, components and high technologies for drafting and production of vehicles;
  • Equipment and special technologies for metallurgical industry; recycling technologies for secondary raw materials of nonferrous metals;
  • Municipal and consumer electronics, technological processes for its components production; organization of TV sets, refrigerators and other consumer goods production based on innovations.

3.    Microelectronics, information technologies, telecommunications:
  • Information technologies for control and management of the basic technologies objects; intelligent computing facilities of high performance; processes and objects recognition software systems ; broadband digital information distribution systems;
  • Laser machinery and equipment, technological processes for their use;
  • Electronic database of communication systems, computer and telecommunication technologies; fiber optic systems, light and information equipment.

4.    Society innovation culture development:
  • Support of national book-publishing; educational, scientific and popular publications;
  • Development of educational, scientific and popular programs in the mass media;
  • Distance education centers with modern telecommunication technologies;
  • Modern computer technologies for teaching and scientific processes.

5.    Protection and sanitation of human and environment:
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic software and hardware;
  • Medicinal products to treat diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular, cancer and infectious diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, etc.); psychotropic and narcotic products;
  • Medication based on processing of blood products;
  • Pediatric formulations of medical products;
  • Equipment and technologies for the use of alternative energy sources;
  • Energy efficient, resource-saving, module, environmentally safe equipment and facilities for  processes of water treatment, water purification, heating and management tools for these processes.

79000, Ukraine, Lviv, Mateika str. 4
tel./fax: +38 (032) 261-07-30